Help us fight Haiti’s orphan crisis! Help support Hands & Feet Project with our 15% giveback this month!

In partnership with Hands & Feet Project this month of June 2022, you can support Hands & Feet Project when you shop online at Haiti Made! With every order, big or small, Haiti Made will donate 15% of all online sales to Hands & Feet Project through to the end of June!
As most who know Haiti Made already know, our history and story have long been intertwined with Hands & Feet Project. Created by Hands & Feet Project in 2014, Haiti Made was born out of a need to create vocational opportunities and dignified employment for the young adults transitioning out of Hands & Feet Project's care and into a life of independent adulthood.
Despite the separation of Haiti Made and Hands & Feet Project in 2017, with the creation of Haiti Entrepreneurial Initiative (HEI) as Haiti Made’s new parent organization, one of the pillars of our mission at Haiti Made has been to continue to provide work opportunities and employment for the transitional young men and women at Hands & Feet Project when possible. Whether a permanent place of employment or just a stepping stone to other dreams and careers, Haiti Made continues to provide work opportunities for transitional young men and women at Hands & Feet Project.

While our mission and vision at Haiti Made is continuing to develop quality goods made in Haiti and create dignified employment for Haitians that makes a generational and community-wide impact, Hands & Feet Project has continued the fight against Haiti’s orphan crisis and the poverty-driven cycles of neglect, abandonment, trafficking, and slavery that have fueled Haiti’s orphan crisis.

The fight against Haiti’s orphan crisis is won by keeping Haitian families together. That means the provision of essential social services, medical care, education, family-style residential care, and job stability that help elevate Haiti’s poverty-driven child abandonment and child slavery cycles. Where not possible to keep families together, Hands & Feet Project, under the guidance of Haiti’s Child Protective Services, provides holistic, residential care for children in crisis by providing Children’s Villages with multiple family-style homes led by Haitian Caregivers.